Monday, December 9, 2019

Opioid Links supports patients in the War on Opioids.

To start with the CDC never said, "Taper everybody now!"

They said quite the opposite. I am not sure how so much of the medical profession got the wrong message. I was shocked by how positive the memo was towards chronic use of opioids.

See the original Memo that  started the panic in 2016:

Here is the update where they try to clarify not to forcibly taper patients:

Here is a great Scientific American article that mentions that the FDA coincidentally came out with a statement declaring that they don't want pain patients deprived of opioids on the same day the CDC quietly said that people on pain medication should be on pain medication, not forcibly tapered:

FDA update is here:

Finally, my lovely home state of California already thought this through back in 2011 with the Pain Patients' Bill of Rights, but nobody seems aware of it and I don't know how well it is protecting doctors and pharmacists from overzealous law enforcement:

Opioids have proven safe and effective in a 10 year study:

And used with stimulants:

Some California specific laws:

You can even rub on opioids:

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